Are Rottweilers Dangerous?      

Are Rottweilers Dangerous?      

Rottweilers are consistently at the top of the list of dog breeds that are responsible for fatal dog bite injuries in the U.S. While this designation has given rottweilers a reputation for being a dangerous dog, whether or not a rottweiler is aggressive depends on the dog and the circumstances. Contact a Texas dog bite lawyer for legal guidance if you were injured by a dog.

How Strong Is a Rottweiler’s Bite?

Part of what makes a dog deemed “dangerous” is the strength of its bite. Certain breeds – especially larger dogs – have greater bite force and jaw strength than others. This enhances the potential damage that can be caused if the dog bites or attacks.

Rottweilers are a muscular, robust working breed that is descended from mastiffs. A rottweiler’s bite force is estimated to be around 328 pounds per square inch (PSI). This is greater than bulldogs, German Shepherds and pit bulls.

The force of a rottweiler’s bite and the size of the dog means that they can be dangerous or even deadly if they choose to attack. However, rottweilers in general are viewed as safe dogs that are well-behaved when properly trained.

How Often Do Rottweilers Cause Fatal Dog Bite Injuries?

Rottweilers can be deemed a dangerous breed when looking at statistics alone. According to data collected over a 15-year period, from 2005 to 2019, rottweilers were responsible for the second-highest number of fatal dog bite injuries in the U.S. (behind pit bulls). Rottweilers accounted for 9.8 percent of all reported dog bite deaths (51 fatalities). Due to the statistics surrounding fatal rottweiler attacks, some cities in the country have included rottweilers on their prohibited dog breed lists.

Why Do Rottweilers Attack?

While the answer to this question varies from case to case, it is commonly believed that the high rate of fatal rottweiler attacks is due to irresponsible, neglectful or abusive pet owners. This includes owners who intentionally train rottweilers for dog fighting, which can increase aggressive tendencies in this breed.

Rottweilers may also bite due to their protective nature. This breed has an innate loyalty that may result in aggressive behaviors sparked out of a desire to protect their owners or families. In most cases, a properly trained rottweiler will not attack unless it feels threatened.

Common Injuries Caused by Rottweiler Attacks

Any dog breed is capable of causing harm if the dog chooses to bite, jump on or attack a targeted individual. Rottweilers are no exception. If a rottweiler bites, it can cause serious injuries, such as:

  • Bone fractures
  • Muscle, tendon and ligament damage
  • Facial injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Puncture wounds
  • Lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Internal injuries
  • Scarring or disfigurement

Rottweiler bite injuries can require thousands of dollars in medical treatments and care. Severe injuries can also interfere with a victim’s ability to work and earn a living. Filing a dog bite injury claim in Texas could allow an injured victim to recover the costs associated with the attack.

What to Do if You Get Bitten by a Rottweiler in Texas

If you get bitten by a rottweiler in Texas, try to remain calm and get immediate medical care for your injuries. Get the dog owner’s information and take photographs of the scene of the incident before you leave. Report the dog bite to your local animal control authorities. Then, file an injury claim with help from a dog bite injury attorney to ensure that your legal rights are protected. Contact a lawyer today.

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