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Are Rottweilers Dangerous?
Rottweilers are consistently at the top of the list of dog breeds that are responsible for fatal dog bite injuries in the U.S. While this designation has given rottweilers a reputation for being a dangerous dog, whether or not a rottweiler is aggressive depends on the dog and the circumstances. Contact a Texas dog…
Understanding Dog Bites and PTSD in Texas
A dog attack can be a violent and traumatic event that results in post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, in the injured victim. PTSD from a dog bite injury is most common if the incident is severe or causes catastrophic damage. Individuals who witnessed a gruesome dog attack can also suffer PTSD and emotional trauma….
Pit Bull Attacks: Must Know Facts
Pit bulls have a reputation for being the most dangerous dog breed – but is this an accurate representation? Analyzing the facts and figures around pit bull attacks can shed light on the aggressive tendencies of this breed and the outcome of pit bull attacks, which is often catastrophic. If you get attacked by…
Can I File a Claim if My Dog Got Attacked By Another Dog in Texas?
Dog attacks in Texas do not only affect humans; there are many cases reported each year of dogs attacking other dogs, as well. If your beloved pet was attacked by a dog and sustained serious injuries, you can take steps to pursue financial compensation for losses caused by the incident, including veterinary bills and…