Keeping Kids Safe Around Dogs

Beware of the Dog Warning Sign on the Wooden Fence

Keeping your kids safe around dogs isn’t always easy. We all want to assume that dogs are friendly and kids can play with them. With a little guidance, we can all be better. Some of the main keys to keep our dogs safe are to be aware of dog breeds that are considered dangerous, how they react to people and children and to recognize signs of aggression in dogs. Many dogs are fearful, but some dogs escalate to aggression. Watch for signs such as wrinkling of the muzzle, retracting of the lips and pulling teeth.

What Dog Breeds Are Dangerous?

A dog can be a great addition to your family. It will help keep you and your kids safe, provide companionship, and make your home a fun place to be. But it’s important to understand that dogs aren’t perfect and there are some breeds that aren’t appropriate for a family with small children.

Many of these breeds are known for being abrasive and aggressive, which can be dangerous around kids. They can also be prone to biting or nipping, even without triggers, which can cause injury and even death.

Rottweilers and pit bulls are two of the most dangerous dog breeds around children. They can be very protective and can easily become agitated when threatened or when their owner is not in the room. They also have a history of fatal attacks, so it is extremely important to be careful with them around kids.

Huskys are big dogs that were bred to pull sleds and can be very strong. But they are also very playful, but their hunting instincts can be harmful if not properly trained.

The Alaskan Malamute is another dog that looks similar to a Siberian husky, but is much larger. While these dogs are generally friendly, they can be very stubborn and difficult to train. They also enjoy rough play and can be destructive if they don’t get enough exercise, making them a bad choice for families with young children.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are another popular breed that may not be the best fit for a household with kids. While they are loyal and have a strong sense of self, they can become very possessive around their toys and food. This can put a child at risk if they were to take one of these items away from the dog or walk up and grab it while the dog was eating.

Chihuahuas are cute little dogs that are often mistaken for good companions. But their tiny size can be a problem when it comes to sudden actions from kids playing or if a stranger enters the home.

Chows are very loyal and love their humans, but they’re not great with other pets or smaller animals. They are also a bit standoffish around other people, even if they aren’t exhibiting any aggression toward them.

That is a non-exhaustive list of dogs that are not recommended for children. Akitas, wolf-hybrids, cane corsos, and many other dog breeds are also not recommended of those with children.

What Signals Do Dogs Give That They Are Aggressive?

Roughhousing is fun and healthy for dogs, but it can quickly become dangerous if a dog goes too far. The signals that a dog gives when she is displaying aggression can be confusing, so understanding them can help you keep your kids safe around dogs.

Typically, a dog who is threatening aggression has a highly engaged and tense tail, stance, ears, mouth and fur. This body language shows social dominance and confidence in their ability to control others. If you see this type of body language, it is important to immediately back away and calm your dog down.

It is also important to understand that not all aggressive behavior is bad. Some behaviors are harmless and are simply a dog’s way of checking something out.

A dog who is wagging their tail, pointing their ears, and licking their lips may be showing friendly intentions. These behaviors are also known as appeasement gestures. They are a way for dogs to divert a perceived threat or problem and might be more appropriate than aggressive behavior.

Another way to tell if your dog is threatening aggression or friendly is to look at their ears and teeth. A dog who is threatening aggression has their ears pulled back, their lips bared and their teeth together.

If your dog has his teeth together and his ears pinned to his body, it is also a sign of fear. This is common in dogs who have a history of being abused or traumatized.

Alternatively, a dog who is wagging their tail, standing up with their ears up, and licking their lips may be expressing excitement or play. They are also likely to be happy and enjoying their surroundings, which can help you distinguish between playful-aggressive and angry-aggressive behaviors.

Shivering and yawning are also signs that a dog is nervous, afraid or upset. Shivering and yawning can be caused by many different things, from illness to overwhelming excitement.

If your dog is constantly destroying things, such as shoes or furniture, it could be a sign that they are feeling stressed out and are trying to shut down. Likewise, if they are lashing out when you try to walk them on leash or have trouble sleeping, it could be a sign of separation anxiety.

Teach your children how to recognize the signs that a dog is no longer having fun. Knowledge goes a long way when dealing with dogs.

What to Do If a Dog Attacks You

If you see a dog that is agitated or displaying aggressive behavior, try to stay calm. If you start to panic, this can only make the dog more likely to attack.

Avoid eye contact and back away as slowly as possible. If you can get a door between you and the dog, slam it to distract it. If you can’t get a door, then place chairs, laptop bags, pillows, or whatever is within reach between you and the dog to keep it away from you.

Once you are out of the way, take a deep breath and try to stay as still as possible. This may seem impossible, but it is the best way to keep yourself and your family safe.

Then, move your body into a fetal position and roll your hands into fists to protect your fingers and your face. This will give you a little more time to think about what is going on and how to react.

This will help you to avoid being bitten in your vitals, like your neck, chest, or head. You can also use your body to push the dog away by using your legs or arms, and you can also try to use your body weight to slam the dog with your torso, as if it were a log.

Another thing you can do is to offer the dog something to chew on as a distraction. This can be a stick, a water bottle, or something else. If the dog is really trying to bite you, this can distract it and give you enough time to get away.

If the dog continues to approach you and attack, then try to use your non-dominant arm to try and fend it off. You can do this by bringing your hand up to your ear, or you can position your sleeve to the side of your arm to give you more leverage.

When a dog attacks you, it’s important to remember that they can’t read your mind and they’re not trained to fight. If you are in an area that is known for dangerous dogs, you should carry pepper spray or an air horn in case the dog is really serious about attacking you.

Who to Call If You Have Been Attacked by a Dog

When a dog bites someone, it can be an incredibly traumatic experience. It can also lead to psychological damage and serious health problems. As a result, if you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it is important to take quick steps to protect your rights and recover compensation for your injuries.

The first step is to seek immediate medical care for your injuries and file a report of the incident with the proper authorities. The information you provide will help authorities enforce their laws and keep others safe from attacks. Like any emergency, dial 911 as soon as possible.

Next, if possible, speak to the owner of the dog to let them know what happened. This may be easier if you know them well, but if not, make sure they know you are reporting it and that they should get advice from a veterinary behaviourist. Most cities in Texas will reach out to the owners after a report of an attack.

It’s also important to report the incident to animal control so they can quarantine any stray dogs that might have rabies. This can prevent other people from being bitten by a potentially rabid animal and can even save you from having to have rabies shots yourselfIn San Antonio, the authorities will keep track of dog attacks and may declare a dog to be a dangerous dog.

Finally, make sure that you collect the following details about the dog: its name and address, its owner’s contact details (if you know them), and any other witnesses who can give details of when and where the dog has been aggressive. This will be invaluable when you try to recover compensation from the dog’s owner for your injuries.

You can use this information to determine if the dog has a history of attacking and if it is currently registered with the local animal registry. It can also help you negotiate with the dog owner’s insurance company or win your case in court if you go that route.

It’s also a good idea to begin keeping a journal about what happened after the attack and how it affected your life. This will help your lawyer build a strong case for you and give you the best chance of recovering compensation for your injuries.

If you were injured by a dog attack and need legal counsel, call the Hill Law Firm today. The Hill Law Firm has handled dog attack lawsuits all over the state of Texas. In the past few years, they have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of dog attack victims.

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