What to Do if You Are Bit By a Bulldog?

American bulldogs are one of the top breeds involved in fatal dog attacks in the United States. If you or a loved one gets bitten by a bulldog, it is important to understand what steps to take to protect yourself. You may be eligible for financial compensation from the owner of the dog or another party if you take the correct actions after the incident. It’s a great idea to connect with a lawyer who’s experienced with the laws in your area, such as a Fort Worth dog bite attorney

Bulldog-Related Injury and Death Statistics in the U.S.

Statistics show that from 2005 to 2019, 521 people in the U.S. died from dog-inflicted wounds. Of these deceased victims, 16 were killed by bulldogs. Bulldogs accounted for 3.1 percent of all human fatalities caused by dog attacks in the 15-year period, placing this breed sixth on the list. The top five breeds of dogs involved in fatal attacks were pit bulls, Rottweilers, mixed-breed dogs, German shepherds, and mastiffs/bullmastiffs.

What to Do if You Are Attacked By a Bulldog 

If you get attacked or bitten by a bulldog or any other dog in Texas, take immediate action to protect your health and safety. Get in contact with an experienced dog bite lawyer in Texas. Then, start taking steps to document your case as much as possible for potential legal recourse.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Call 911 to request an ambulance in an emergency. Otherwise, wash your dog bite wound with warm soap and water if it is not severe. Apply a clean bandage to stop any bleeding. Even if the bite seems minor, it is important to have it checked by a medical professional to ensure proper treatment and to prevent infection.

Document the Bulldog Attack

Write down the name of the pet owner, if known, and a description of the incident. Get the contact information of any eyewitnesses. Report the attack to local animal control authorities for the record. Collect copies of all of your related medical records and bills. Photograph the bite wound and any other injuries that you sustained.

Contact a Texas Dog Bite Attorney

You may be eligible for financial compensation for your past and future medical bills, pain and suffering, scarring and disfigurement, lost wages, and more as the victim of a bulldog attack in Texas. You can potentially hold the owner of the bulldog or another party, such as a landlord, accountable for your losses. Discuss your case with a dog bite lawyer near you to explore your legal options.

Who Is Liable for a Bulldog Bite Injury in Texas?

In Texas, the owner of a bulldog that bites someone could be held liable, or financially responsible, for the victim’s injuries under two main legal doctrines: the one-bite rule and negligence. Texas’s version of the one-bite rule holds pet owners strictly liable for bites if their pets have bitten someone previously. 

If there is evidence that the owner of the bulldog knew or reasonably should have known about the dog’s vicious propensities, he or she can be held liable for bite injuries. A pet owner can also be held liable for a bulldog attack if he or she was negligent, or failed to act with appropriate care. If the bulldog was unlawfully running at large at the time of the attack, for example, this could be evidence against the pet owner.

How Can a Dog Bite Lawyer Help You?

You are already dealing with enough as the victim of a bulldog attack. You do not also have to handle the injury claims process on your own. At Hill Law Firm, our Texas dog bite attorneys represent bulldog injury victims and their loved ones in the pursuit of justice and maximum financial compensation. Find out how we can help you during a free case evaluation. Contact us today.

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