What Evidence Can Be Used in a Texas Dog Bite Case?

what evidence can be used in a texas dog bite case?

If you wish to qualify for financial compensation for a dog bite injury in Texas, you must provide compelling evidence to prove your case. In the civil justice system, the plaintiff or injured party bears the burden of proof, meaning you will have the responsibility to establish the truth of what you are claiming. You can build the strongest possible dog bite case if you know what evidence to collect and a dog bite attorney in Dallas can help you with this.

Evidence From the Scene

Establishing your dog bite case starts with compiling evidence at the scene. Before you leave the scene where the dog bite injury took place, collect evidence such as photographs of the scene and your injuries, copies of video footage of the event (if available), and statements from eyewitnesses. Exchange information with the pet owner, as well.

Dog Bite Incident Reports

You should always report a dog bite injury to local authorities. This includes San Antonio Animal Control and, in an emergency, the San Antonio Police Department. Contacting the authorities can create an official report of the incident that documents the facts of the case. If Animal Control has received prior reports regarding the same dog, this can serve as evidence during your claim.

Medical Records

It is also up to you as the claimant to provide proof of your injuries and losses. This typically includes relevant medical records. Get copies of all medical documents and bills connected to your dog bite injuries to prove the damages you’ve suffered. This may include psychiatric records if you sought treatment for mental health problems after a dog bite injury, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Proof of Negligence

Texas uses a one-bite rule to determine liability (legal and financial responsibility) for most dog bite injury claims. Under this rule, a pet owner can be held liable for injuries caused by a dog if the owner had reason to know that the dog was dangerous or aggressive; for example, if the dog had bitten someone previously.

To hold a pet owner liable for your dog bite injury, you must prove that he or she knew of the dog’s vicious propensities but negligently failed to take proper care to prevent an attack. Proof of negligence may include allowing a dog to run at large, violating San Antonio’s leash laws or unsafely harboring a designated “dangerous dog.”

Pain and Suffering Documentation

Financial compensation awarded in a dog bite injury case often includes an amount for the victim’s pain and suffering. This can include physical pain, emotional suffering, distress, mental anguish and PTSD. Proving these losses may take evidence such as mental health records, an injury journal and testimony from experts.

Expert Testimony

Expert testimony refers to statements made by qualified and relevant subject-matter experts during a dog bite injury case. A medical expert may be hired to speak on the nature and extent of the victim’s injuries, for example. Expert testimony can strengthen a case and explain complicated issues to a judge or jury for greater clarity.

How a Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help Prove Your Case

Preserving, collecting and presenting compelling evidence to support your dog bite injury claim in San Antonio is much easier with help from an experienced dog bite injury attorney. A San Antonio personal injury lawyer who specializes in dog bite claims will know exactly what evidence is best to prove your case and maximize your financial recovery. Your attorney can gather evidence and build your case while you focus on healing from your dog bite injuries.

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